SMapper Singularity Container - Installation and Usage

SMapper is available as a Singularity Container, which offers a convenient way to use the tool without the need to install additional libraries or dependencies on your local computer. With SMapper as a Singularity Container, you can run SMapper Python scripts seamlessly in a contained environment, see below.

Download SMapper Singularity Container

  1. Download the SMapper Singularity Container from the following link: Download SMapper Singularity Container v5.0 (864MB).
  2. Unzip the downloaded file - Last updated: October 11 2024 to your desired location:
  3. unzip

Singularity Installation (Quick Manuals)

Follow the quick manuals provided for installing Singularity on your system. Ensure that Singularity is properly set up before proceeding to the next step.

Using Singularity Container

SMapper is encapsulated within a Singularity container, making it easy to run in various environments. To use the container, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have Singularity installed on your system. If not, you can install it by following the instructions on the Singularity website.
  2. Run the SMapper container using the following command:
  3. singularity run smapper50.sif

    This command will start SMapper within the Singularity container, and you can interact with it using command-line tools or scripts provided by the container.

    You can now use SMapper to visualize your spatial prevalence data as needed.

About Singularity

Singularity is a container platform specifically designed for high-performance computing (HPC). It provides support for MPI and GPU applications, making it suitable for running computationally intensive tasks. Singularity also works well with Infiniband networks, ensuring efficient data transfer and processing in HPC environments.


Singularity Community Edition is 100% open source, BSD licensed software available for free!

Installing SingularityCE link

For more information about Singularity and its capabilities, please visit the Singularity website.


We hope you find SMapper and Singularity Container useful for your spatial prevalence data visualization needs!


Last updated: October 11, 2024 | SMapper Version 5.0 | ©CCG - Statistical Genetics and Bioinformatics Group